أمتحان E الصف الثامن 2024.

I- Reading Comprehension
v Read the Shamma’s and Khaled’s schedules:
A) Complete the two following time-tables:
Shamma’s Daily Time-Table
10:00 History
11:00 Break
12:15 Religious Studies
12:50 Lunch
Khaled’s Daily Time-Table
8:00 English
10:00 History
11:00 Break
12:50 Lunch
المادة : اللغة الإنجلیزیة
الصف : الثامن الأساسي
الفترة : وحیده
2024/12/ الیوم والتاریخ : الأحد 9
ساعة و نصف
دولة الإمارات العربیة المتحدة
وزارة التربیة والتعلیم
إدارة منطقة الفجیرة التعلیمیة
قسم التخطیط والتقویم / الامتحانات
Khaled: I’m going to tell you what we studied today at school. First
we had English class. We studied grammar today. Then, at 9:00 we
had Science. After that, we had History, and today our teacher told us
about Al Hijra. After History, we had a break. Then, we had Arabic.
Before lunch break, we had Religious studies. After lunch, we had IT.
We finally went home at 2:00 p.m.
Shamma: Everyday, we have the same subjects. First we have Maths
at 8:00. Then, we have IT at 9:00. A er IT, we have History at 10:00.
After that we have a break for ten minutes. Next, we have Geography
at 11:15. We have Religious Studies before lunch, and then we have
Arabic at 1:00. Finally, we go home at 2:00.
B) Write True or False:
1. In English Class today, Khaled studied grammar. ( )
2. Khaled learnt about Al Hijra in Religious Studies today. ( )
3. Shamma goes home at 2:00. ( )
C) Choose the correct answer:
1. How many subjects do Shamma and Khaled have everyday?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
2. How many subjects does Shamma have after lunch?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
3. How many subjects does Khaled have before the break?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
Reading Passage 2
A) Read the following text:
Mr. Malek is a businessman from Dubai. He owns a company that sells new
cars and machines. It has many showrooms in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Last month
Mr. Malek traveled to Japan to buy some new Japanese cars and machines. He
spent two weeks there. He stayed at Paradise Hotel in Tokyo. He had several
meetings with Japanese businessmen and merchants. He visited many cars and
machine factories. He bought some new models of cars and other machines like
dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and home robots. Mr. Malek also had great fun in
Japan. He visited many interesting places there. The weather was wonderful, so he
went sailing, swimming and mountains climbing with other friends. Mr. Malek
also went to restaurants and tried some delicious Japanese dishes. His visit was
really interesting.
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
1- The text is about———————————.
a- Mr. Malek’s visit to Japan b- Japan’s food
c- restuarants d- Japan’s weather
2- Mr. Malek visited………………………
a. Makka b. Dubai c. Tokyo d. Paris
3- Mr. Malek owns …………………..
a- factory b-hotel c- restaurant d- company
4- Mr. Malek lives in …………….
a. Makka b. Dubai c. Tokyo d. Paris
5- What Is?
1. The meaning of the underlined word" delicious " in the text?
a. bad b. big c. small d. good
2. The opposite of the underlined word " new " in the text?
a. old b. tall c. brown d. wonderful
C) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Mr. Malek go to Japan?
a- To have fun. b- To buy a restaurant
c- To buy new cars and machines d- To eat in a Japanese restaurant
2- How long was Mr. Malek’s visit to Japan?
a- A week. b- Three weeks.
c- Four days. d- Two weeks.
II- Vocabulary
A: Circle the correct word:
1. If you don’t know the meaning of the word, look it up in the …………………..
a. dictionary b. primary c. secondary d. education
2. We take ……………………. classes in the computer lab.
a. History b. Religious Studies c. IT d. Geography
3. How do you …………………. juice? j – u – i – c- e.
a. spell b. learn c. teach d. explain
4. The weather is often cold in ……………………….
a. summer b. winter c. autumn d. spring
5. We ……………… go to school on Friday.
a. always b. sometimes c. often d. never
6. My father works as a …………………… of a big company.
a. manager b. manual c. agriculture d. shelf
7. After finishing school, 90% of students go to ……………………
a. secondary b. primary c. dictionary d. university
8. We learnt how to draw maps in …………………………
a. History b. Religious Studies c. IT d. Geography
9. Hind works in ………………….. She is a banker.
a. agriculture b. construction c. finance d. education
10. At the age of 6 students go to ———————————school.
a. secondary b. primary c. college d. university
A ) Classify the following vocabulary items :
( Summer – January – Noon – Winter – March – Morning
June – August – Night – Autumn )
Seasons Times of the Day Months
III- Grammar
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, or c:
1. The teacher told …………. us that we will have a test tomorrow.
a. to b. — c. for d. with
2. I eat in the restaurant ……………. a week.
a . once b. one c. one time d. everyday
3. I am going to ……………… TV.
a. watching b. is watching c. watched d. watch
4. What ………………. in the evenings?
a. do you do b. you do c. do d. you
5. I want ……………….. to the cinema this weekend.
a. go b. going c. to go d. went
6. Last month, we learnt ………………the population of China is over 1 million.
a. how b. that c. about d. of
7. I saw a …………………….. today.
a. girl beautiful b. girl in beautiful c. beautiful girl d. beautiful
8. We are going ………………… about France today.
a. study b. studying c. studied d. to study
9. She is …………………….
a. Japan b. Japanese c. of Japan d. to Japan
10. I always go to school …………. car.
a. to b. — c. by d. in
11. In Maths last week, we learnt ——————– triangles.
a. that b. how to c. about d. of
12. Look ———- this picture. It’s very beautiful!
a. at b. to c. for d. —-
13. What is the capital ………. the UAE?
a. — b. of c. about d. with
14. Where ……………. going?
a. you b. are c. are you d. you are
15. We had …….. History today.
a. a b. the c. — d. an
B. Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences:
1 – everyday – the same – We – subjects – have
__________________________________________________ __________________
2 – week – IT – last – studied – I
__________________________________________________ __________________
3 – visit – on the – my grandmother – I usually – weekend
__________________________________________________ __________________
4 – Mathematics? – you – Do – like
__________________________________________________ __________________
5 – to work – She – for a – work – bank
__________________________________________________ __________________
V. Writing
A ) Add the missing letter:
1. We learnt about the lion in S__ience last week.
2. I usually wake up at __uarter to eight.
3. Today, I am going to go to the superma__ket. .
4. Do you plan on going to colle__e?
A) Use the frequency adverbs (always, sometimes, never, often) to write
three sentences about regular events in your school.
__________________________________________________ _______________________
__________________________________________________ _______________________
__________________________________________________ _______________________
D) Write a paragraph describing the Educational system in the UAE. What subjects are
compulsory and what subjects are optional? What are the stages of education in the UAE?
At what age do students start school and when do they finish?
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
Good Luck !

search about The Great White Shark بحث عن اسماك القرش البيضاء الضخمة للصف العاشر 2024.

السلام عليكم
حبيت اقدملكم شي من الوحدة اللي خذيناها في الانجليزي
ويبتلكم هذا البحث

The Great White Shark

The White Shark: Introduction

Many paleontologists are very interested in living groups, because the study of the living organisms can both unlock their evolutionary history and provide important keys towards interpreting their fossil record. Some living groups have ancient histories. For example, sharks have existed as a group for over 350 million years! Today, sharks and rays (elasmobranchs) are represented by over 600 species that show a remarkable range of ecological and morphological diversity. Unlike the true fishes, sharks do not have internal bone, but instead have a cartilaginous skeleton. Although many people are told that sharks are primitive in comparison to other groups, this is not true. Many sharks are efficient and specialized hunters that have thrived for millions of years.

This small exhibit shows an amazing predator: the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias). The white shark is found in temperate waters throughout the world’s oceans, and it is an important, though not common, predator in California’s coastal habitats. Scientists from several organizations throughout California including the Point Reyes Bird Observatory, the Marine Mammal Center, the California Academy of Sciences, Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory, California Department of Fish and Game, and the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at UC Berkeley, have been studying white sharks and their prey for several years in hopes to better understand their behavior and ecology.

Food and Feeding Behavior

White sharks are predatory animals that begin life by feeding on fish, rays, and other sharks, and as they grow, switch to feeding on marine mammals and scavenging on large animal carcasses. Their first mammalian prey are usually the small harbor seal, but as the sharks increase in size, they become large enough to eat sea lions, elephant seals, and small toothed whales. Attack strategy consists of a swift, surprise attack from below, inflicting a large, potentially fatal bite. The pinniped often dies from massive trauma or blood loss, but the bites may be superficial or misplaced on the body, allowing the seal to escape and survive the attacks with their scars as witness. Large white sharks will also scavenge on the carcasses of whale sharks, and on the fat-rich blubber layer of dead whales. They will occasionally feed on sea turtles and sea otters, and are known to attack, but not eat, humans.

Habitat and Distribution

The waters off central California offer a rich bounty of food for white sharks, and every summer and fall they actively feed in nearshore areas. The Farallon Islands, a national wildlife refuge about 27 miles off San Francisco, is a common feeding ground for the sharks. Four species of pinnipeds, the northern elephant seal, the California sea lion, the Steller sea lion, and the harbor seal, live around and breed on these islands, making a plentiful food resource for the white sharks. The coastal waters along central California, especially around the Año Nuevo State Reserve and along the Marin Headlands, is another common feeding area for the sharks. In the summer the sharks feed on seals and sea lions along the coast as far north as Oregon and occasionally the Gulf of Alaska, and in the Fall, they turn south and feed along the offshore islands. It is believed that female white sharks migrate to southern California to give live birth to their offspring. In abnormally warm-water (El Niño) years, white sharks are more plentiful off central California because both they, and their prey, are shifted north. The years 1984-84 and 1991-92 show high trends in white shark predatory activity, and were the warmest oceanic seasons in recent history.

Sharks and Media

Media sensationalism and widespread ignorance has given the white shark a bad rap. Although the species is responsible for an average of 2-3 non-fatal attacks on swimmers, surfers, and divers each year, its role as a menace is exaggerated; more people are killed in the U.S. each year by dogs than have been killed by white sharks in the last 100 years. Additionally, scientific studies show that population of white sharks is low, with perhaps fewer than 100 adult animals in the state’s waters. White sharks are important predators in the marine ecosystems of the California coast, and the people of California recognize that. In 1992, the white shark was placed on the protected species list for the state of California, and is legally protected from unlawful killing or exploitation. The original bill was supported by both scientists and fishing organizations, surfing clubs and diving groups, private citizens and an array of government organizations. With your support and respect, we can continue to live with this complex and misunderstood animal.

Studying the white shark requires the use of media equipment. The 10 images above were acquired during a pilot project run at the University of California Museum of Paleontology, the Department of Integrative Biology, and the Point Reyes Bird Observatory. Dr. Douglas Long has been doing research on the ecological interactions, in particular the feeding habits and predatory behavior of great white sharks on marine mammals along the coast of central California for several years now. His research has included autopsying dead marine mammals, studying the feeding behavior of sharks, and trying to estimate shark population size. These images are directly related to the latter two aspects of his research. From a post on the Farallon Islands, researchers watch the waters for injured marine mammals and signs of sharks feeding. When they spot a feeding shark, they travel in a small boat to the site, and when the shark comes close they stick a small hand-held waterproof video recorder under the water and film the shark as it passes by. The sharks are identified by characteristic marks like scars and skin blemishes. Most of the pictures at the end of this exhibit were taken with the express intent of looking for these scars, so they may not be the most aesthetic images possible. However, they are the most useful. The ability to visually identify sharks allows researchers to tell more about migration, ranges, and the number of individual sharks in the area. Douglas believes that there are a suprisingly small number of individual sharks off the California coast, and that they have larger ranges than previously thought.

كتاب التمارين من غير الأجوبة للصف التاسع 2024.

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منقول لتعم الفائدة

حل درس ام عمارة بنت كعب كامل للصف السابع 2024.

السلام عليكم


** محاربه المرتدين والدفاع عن الرسول

** ربتهم على الحق و نصر الدين
** حب الله ورسوله
**قوه الايمان
**التحمل عداوه المنافقين
**بطله المعارك

ما النتائج..؟
*نشر الدين الاسلامي في الدنيا والجنه في الاخرة

انشطه الطالب
اسمها: نسيبه بنت كعب
نسبها؟ انصاريه مازنيه
**المهمين اكثرهم**
حبيب وعبدالله
ااما الباقي خوله وتميم

صفاتها تم ذكرها
مواقفها و عمالها
تم ذكرها
في الدرس
هذا عليكم

من خلال؟
دعاء الرسول لها و لـ ابناوها

بسبب تعويد ابنئها للذهاب للمعارك مع الرسول

*صبرت و حتسبت عند استشهاد ابناءها
*اصرارها على قتل مسيلمه الكذاب


بوربوينت من درس المفعول به الصف السادس 2024.

بوربوينت من درس المفعول به ,,
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ,,

يبت لكم بوربوينت من درس المفعول به ,,

اتمنى أن ينـإأل بأعجابكم ,,


موجوود بالمرفقاات بششكل مرتب ,,

الملفات المرفقة

تقرير عن نمو السكان في العالم الاسلامي .. الدراسات الاجتماعية الصف السابع 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذا تقرير عن نمو السكان في العالم الاسلام

ان شاء الله تستفسدون منه وينال اعجابكم

في أمان الله

الملفات المرفقة

الليل والنهار ، معلومات الليل والنهار ، تعاقب الليل والنهار ،معلومات عن الليل والنهار للصف السادس 2024.

لوسمحتوا ابغي تقرير لمادة اللغة العربية بعنوان الليل والنهار للصف السادس

" لو سمح ـتوآ بغ ـيت حل سورة يسً صـٍ ( 51)..,,!][ ضـ~ـًروريْ ^^ للصف التاسع 2024.

][ ,, السلأإمـٍ عليكم !

" لو سمح ـتوآ بغ ـيت حل سورة يسً صـٍ ( 51)..,,!][ ضـ~ـًروريْ ^^

حل درس منظمات العالم الاسلامي للصف السابع 2024.

السسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
حل درس منظمات العالم الاسلامي
استنادا اخبراتك …؟
مجموعة الدول التي تزيد نسبة المسلمين فيها عن 50 0/0 (بالمئة) من عدد سكانها
استنتاج السبب …؟
بسبب تعرض المسجد الاقصى لحربه على اليهود عام 1969 م
توضيح المكانة …؟
انه مكان عظيم فيه حدثت معجزة الرسول ولهذا المسجد مكانة عظيمة و الدليل ذكر في القران
ناقش شفويا …؟
مرجعيتها التي تتمسك بالكتاب والسنة – طاقة الامة البشرية
ابحث في …؟
اضرب بعض ..؟
الداخلية : الصحية – وضعها الراهن – تدخله وبقائه
الخارجية : الصراع العربي الصهيوني – الخطر الاسلامي
دور الامانة …؟
تتولى تنفيذ القرارات عن مؤتمر الملوك والرؤساء ومؤتمر وزارة الخارجية
بعض التوصيات …؟
حل الخلافات بين الدول الاسلامية – حل قضايا الارهاب
ناقش شفويا مع …؟
مراعاة المساواة التامة بين الدول الاعضاء – احترام حق تقدير المصير وعدم التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية للدول الاعضاء
لخص ابرز …؟
الدعوة الى تطبيق احكام الشريعة الاسلامية على مستوى الافراد والجامعات والدول – تنسيق جهود القائمين بالعمل الاسلامي في العالم وافادة بعضهم من بعض – تطوير اساليب نشر الدعوة بما يتفق مع الكتاب والسنة وما لا يخالفها .
ناقش شفويا مع زملائك …؟
منظمة اسلامية عالمية جامعة مقرها مكة المكرمة بالمملكة العربية السعودية
اربط بالتربية الاسلامية :-
يقول الله تعالى ..؟
التفكير الابداعي :-
كيف تستطيع ..؟

بتقريب اصحابالفكر وقادة الرأي من بعضهم وتوثيق عمري
وضح العلاقة …؟
خدمة الاسلام والمسلمين – حل مشكلات الدول الاسلامية – مساعدة الدول الاسلامية المنكوبة
المراجعة :- ( ما كلها )
منظمة المؤتمر الاسلامي:
تجمع على مستوى 57 حكومة لمحاولة دمج الجهود والتكلم بصوت واحد لحماية وضمان مواطنيهم وجميع مسلمي العالم
رابطة العالم الاسلامي:
منظمة اسلامية شعبية عالمية جامعة مقرها مكة المكرمة بالمملكة العربية السعودية تقوم بالدعة للاسلام وشرح مبادئه وتعاليمه
اربط بين النتيجة والسبب :-
السبب :
الدفاع عن شرف وكرامة المسلمين المتمثلة في القدس وقبة الصخرة وذلك كمحاولة لايجاد قسم مشترك بين جميع فئات المسلمين